Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Brazilian investor Bruno Belmonte Poggere.
From April 2019 to November 2024 his historic performance will be the envy of anyone.
His portfolio returned more than 347.43% in the period, versus 33.51% for Ibovespa.
He multiplied the invested capital by 4x!
This guy knows how to generate real value.
Shall we meet him?
BS: Bruno, could you tell us a little about yourself?
BP: I am 26 years old and passionate about fishing, life and the journey of growth that I share with my fiancée, who is also my business partner. We have been together for 8 years and everything we have achieved has been the result of hard work, without inheritance or privileges. In addition to being an entrepreneur, I am fortunate to work for a multinational company whose culture and values I deeply admire.
BS: What is your strategy for making money on the stock market?
BP: My strategy combines stock picking, position trading and the use of derivatives and options. Overall, I follow a clear principle: avoid the herd effect, prioritizing well-founded movements.
BS: What is your process for finding a new buy opportunity? What filters do you use?
BP: I analyze indicators, apply Fibonacci and use technical analysis tools such as slow stochastic, ADX and TRIX to identify key buying points.
BS: How do you value a share: DCF, Multiples, implied IRR, a mix of the previous ones, …?
BP: Companies with a buy and hold profile are evaluated in more depth.
BS: How do you like to build your stock portfolio, considering the number of companies, sectors and concentration?
BP: I seek to diversify my portfolio, anticipating macroeconomic and structural movements. I maintain longer positions, aligned with this medium and long-term vision.
BS: How often do you like to rebalance your portfolio?
BP: I rebalance the portfolio as needed: either when reaching pre-determined levels or when there are changes in the companies' fundamentals.
BS: How long on average do you hold a position in your portfolio?
BP: The period varies depending on the strategy and the asset, and can range from 1 month to several years.
BS: Do you believe that graphical analysis, together with fundamental analysis, can help with the buying and selling points of stocks?
BP: Yes, I believe that both are complementary. Fundamentals help in choosing the asset, while technical analysis helps in timing operations.
BS: What are your favorite sectors on the Stock Exchange? And the ones you avoid? Why?
BP: I like sectors such as meatpacking and banking, due to their resilience and return potential. I avoid retail, with a few exceptions, due to the volatility and structural challenges of the sector.
BS: Do you use derivatives? What is your strategy?
BP: Yes, I use derivatives such as WINF, options, covered calls, dry calls and locks, adapting the strategy to the scenario and objective.
BS: What is the cheapest company on the stock market today?